
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Editorials Today: Worse or Much Worse?

I don't actually think that editorials today are bad. However, I think that this particular columnist displayed his ignorance a little too prominently. If you grant that he has some sort of "area of expertise" to begin with, he certainly overstepped his bounds. This writer: worse. But an even more disturbing question comes to mind, why would The Stanford Daily publish this? Nathan suggested that because that publication is a daily, it's more difficult to produce consistent quality. I agree. I agree and it almost excuses this article. Editors of The Stanford Daily: much worse?

Article: Music Today: Worse or Much Worse?

Oh, and I suggest perusing the comments left on Ziv's article. Amusement guaranteed.

Green Library, Stanford, CA
Here's one for the lonely nights:

Green Library, Stanford, CA